Natalie Eslick Australian Artist Eagle Barn Owl Egret-6112.jpg


You are seen, you are beloved

Portraits in oil paint of our more-than-human kin with botanical accents that enhance the tender, enchanting, and graceful nature of these beings.



oil paintngs

and drawings

Lovingly rendered narratives of untamed beauty, steeped in the wonder of romantic, classical paintings.


Imparting a sense of quiet reverence, and a gentle reminder that your own wild heart is not so very far removed from theirs.

Lovingly rendered narratives of untamed beauty, steeped in the wonder of romantic, classical paintings.


Imparting a sense of quiet reverence, and a gentle reminder that your own wild heart is not so very far removed from theirs.

“I am here. I am longing for you to see me, to bring me into your heart an home like you do the fresh blooms.

Behold me, love me.

We are inseparable, we are the same.”


the making of

the making of ⁕