Being open to wonder invites us to explore the vast expanse of creativity with childlike curiosity and play, unencumbered by preconceived notions or limitations. When we approach our artistic practice with openness, we open ourselves to the endless possibilities of expression and discovery. And we learn so much about out subjects, our tools, ourselves.
Moreover, openness fosters collaboration and connection and compassion. It encourages us to engage with others, to share ideas, and to learn from one another. To form community of support systems and celebration. When we approach collaboration with an open mind and a curious spirit, we enrich our creative process and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Deep breath.
I love what I do. I often lack words to describe it all adequately. But wonder is one of those words, small and unassuming, but vast and expansive too.
I hope you enjoy spending time with this blue-faced honeyeater, and find your heart filled with wonder!
Links to the reference photos for these tutorials can be found at the bottom of the page.
Sketch Session 3
Blue Faced Honeyeater
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