Though in the sized sketchbook I am using he needed to be rendered quite small, he is, nevertheless, mighty.
Just like you!

These sorts of poses are a great opportunity for you to get curious.

Curious about the shapes and angles you can find. Curious about how different anatomical structures move about when positions are more dynamic. Curious about the values present - the interplay of light and shadow. Curious about how best to use your tools to render something so impossibly tiny and perfect. Curious about how deeply you can keep looking. The more you see, the more you see. And curious about how best you can nurture that wild heart of yours that needs to make art.

I hope you have fun connecting with this incredible little being. Thank you for your practice, for putting even more beauty into this world.

Links to the reference photos for these tutorials can be found at the bottom of the page.

Sketch Session 2



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